Pacific Island Research Guide
1. What type of island do you have?
Volcanic Raised Reef Atoll Continental Other:__________________
2. What is the climate of your island?
3. What is the total population of your island? __________________________
4. Where are the airports on your island? (Put a star next to the major airport) - see map
Names: _____________________________________________________
5. Where are the harbors on your island? (Put a star next to the major harbor) - see map
6. What are the 5 major cities to visit and the Capital? - see map
______________, ______________, ________________, _______________, ______________
7. Explain the route of travel on your island starting from the airport or harbor.
8. What type of transportation will we be using? Bus Car Walking Biking Other: ___________
9. List down 4-5 tourist spots that are man-made. Explain each one
10. Explain if cities and capital are affected by physical features on the island. Why are they there?
11. List down 4 physical characteristics of the island to view. Explain
12. Explain the native clothing on the island.
13. Explain if your island is modern or still in the subsistence type of living.
14. List down 2-3 traditional foods. Explain
15. List down 2-3 traditions or cultural practices on your island. Explain