Planters and Workers (Excerpt)
The best jobs, the
supervisory positions or those requiring skills, were reserved for whites. In 1882, for example, 88% of all lunas
and clerks were white. Most laborers
were nonwhite: 29% were Hawaiian and 48% were Chinese. None of the lunas were Chinese.
In 1904, the Hawaiian Sugar
PlantersŐ Association limited skilled positions to ŇAmerican citizens, or those
eligible for citizenship.Ó Asians
could not hold skilled jobs because they could not become citizens, according
to a 1790 federal law that limited American citizenship to white people. By 1914, the plantersŐ restriction was
still in force. There were only 1
Japanese, 1 Hawaiian, and 2 part-Hawaiian mill engineers; the remaining 41 mill
engineers were of European ancestry.
The racial division was especially visible in the supervisorsŐ
jobs. Of the 377 overseers, 313
were white. Only 2 were Chinese
and 17 Japanese.
A Japanese worker bluntly
explained why he and other Japanese would never get ahead on the plantation. Told by an interviewer that he would be
promoted, the worker retorted: ŇDonŐt kid me. You know yourself I havenŐt got a chance. You canŐt go very high up and get big
money unless your skin is white.
You can work here all your life and yet a haole who doesnŐt know a thing
about the work can be ahead of you in no time.Ó