important historical events in the history of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Benchmark – SS.7HHK.3.5:
Describe the coming of
early immigrant groups (including Chinese, Portuguese, and
Japanese) to Hawaii as
contract laborers, their experience in the plantation system,
aspects of their culture
that was brought with them (including beliefs, knowledge, and/or
practices), and the
relationships that developed between themselves as well as others
(including inequities on the job, cultural
diffusion, and/or assimilation).
Part 1 (Proficient):
of Task:
summative task is a tricky one. I
hope you have lots of fun. YouÕll
need to rhyme words like Dr. Seuss.
So when you are thinking about the words, just let loose. If you think it is hard donÕt feel so
bad. All you need to do is go to
rhymezone.com and click on your mouse pad. A ballad you will write, so use all your thinking might!
A ballad is
a form of poetry that tells a story.
Ballads normally have stanzas of four lines. Normally, ballads have the following rhyme pattern: acbc. For your formative assessment, project
you will need to create a ballad about the information you learned about the
immigrants and the plantation. Students
will then create 4 pop up pages for each stanza.
Rubric for Proficient
(Cultural Diffusion) |
(Ballad) |
Proficient |
Novice |
Met And See
rubric for Advanced on next page |
with detail, the coming of early immigrant groups to Hawaii as contract
laborers, their experience in the plantation system, aspects of their culture
that was brought with them, and the relationships that developed between
themselves as well as others and Followed
ballad format and pop up page complete. |
with minimal detail, the coming of early immigrant groups to Hawaii as
contract laborers, their experience in the plantation system, aspects of
their culture that was brought with them, and/or the relationships that
developed between themselves as well as others or Did not
follow ballad format or pop up page requirement. |
describe the coming of early immigrant groups to Hawaii as contract laborers,
their experience in the plantation system, aspects of their culture that was
brought with them, and the relationships that developed between themselves as
well as others and Did not
follow ballad format or pop up page format. |
Down dropped the breeze, the sails dropped down, ÔTwas sad as sad could be; And we did speak only to break The silence of the sea! All in a hot and copper sky, The bloody Sun, at noon, Right up above the mast did stand, No bigger than the Moon. Day after day, day after day, We stuck, nor breath nor motion; As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean. (From: Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
On Top of
On top of
All covered with
I lost my poor
When somebody
It rolled off the
And on to the
And then my poor
Rolled out of the
It rolled in the
And under a bush,
And then my poor
Was nothing but
The mush was as
As tasty could be,
And then the next
It grew into a
The tree was all
All covered with
And on it grew
And tomato sauce.
Part 2 (Advanced) Diffusing a culture:
Students will need to research on another cultureÕs tradition or custom. The end product will be a summary of the tradition or custom based on a resource that a student read about or interviewed a person on and a demonstration of what the custom or tradition is. Students will also need to create an Animoto clip for their presentation showing the tradition/custom.
Students are required to do the following:
*Note-taking guide
*Animoto Presentation
Rubric for
Beyond Advanced |
Advanced |
Low Advanced |
Note-taking guide completed Summary completed based on note-taking Animoto presentation of tradition/custom completed |
Note-taking guide completed And Summary completed based on note-taking |
Note-taking guide lacked Or Summary lacked information Or Presentation of tradition/custom not completed |
Ballad Title: |
Rhyme Scheme |
Stanza 1: Describes the immigrant groups who came to
work in the plantations Stanza 2: Describes the cultural beliefs or practices
that immigrant groups brought with them. Stanza 3: Describes the inequality that plantation
workers experienced in the plantation system. Stanza 4: Describes the cultural diffusion that
plantation workers experienced in the plantation system. |
A B C B D E F E G H I H J K L K |